Keep in mind that using cutoffs, as explained in this article, does not work for every trader. Some systems require you to take every setup that comes along, whether you’re up or down, in order to take advantage of the edge that the system provides.
Each trader has their own level of risk tolerance and desired daily, weekly and monthly profit targets. Many successful traders use daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly cutoffs.
New traders shouldn’t concern themselves with profit goals but instead, focus on consistency. That being said, what are some realistic profit goals for a successful Forex trader?
Setting Realistic Profit Targets in Trading
It all starts with setting realistic daily goals. Swing traders might start with weekly goals for obvious reasons. It is important to set your goals in actual profits, as opposed to pips.
It is also important to use the same amount of risk (exposure) on every trade. Varying exposure is a good way to wipe out your account – even if you’re using a solid trading system.

Daily Goals
Daily goals are largely determined by your level of risk tolerance. For instance, I risk 1% per trade. My daily profit cutoff is 2%, so I only need one or two successful trades with no losses to hit that mark.
If you are only risking .5% per trade, a more realistic daily profit cutoff might be 1% per day. Shooting for 2%, while risking .5%, would take two to four successful trades with no losses to achieve. In other words, it’s not likely to happen.
Note: Don’t just jump into the market. Learn a good trading system, and then backtest and demo trade until you prove to yourself that you can be consistent in the long run (months or years – not days or weeks).
When you start trading a live account, use the smallest lot size (or number of shares, contracts, etc…) available to you at first. Gradually increase your exposure per trade to your desired risk level as you become accustomed to the psychological hurdles of trading real money.
I am comfortable risking 1% per trade. Most successful traders would recommend using .5 – 2% per trade. Very advanced traders often risk 3% or more per trade. How much money are you willing to lose per trade? Once you have determined your personal level of risk tolerance, you can determine a daily goal or cutoff.

Weekly and Monthly Goals
From there, your weekly and monthly cutoffs can be set. I have a more aggressive risk tolerance, so my profit cutoff targets are as follows: 2% daily, 5% weekly and 15% monthly. I don’t use yearly cutoffs.
These targets may seem high to some traders, but they are realistic for me.
Note: This does not mean that I make 2% every day, 5% every week, etc…. If I make 2% in a day, that’s a good day of trading. Likewise, 5% is a good week of trading.
If you are not consistent yet, you should focus on learning a profitable trading system and becoming a long-term, consistently profitable trader. If you’re just starting out, shooting for 5% per month makes much more sense.
If you think that you can double your account every few months in trading, you are not likely to set realistic profit targets. You will likely overtrade your way to a smaller account balance.
You will risk too much, and you will lose too much. Greed causes traders to be overconfident and overactive in the market, which leads to mistakes. Small consistent and compounded profits will lead to a fortune in the long run.
Remember: Money management cutoffs work both ways. If I am down 2% in one day (or two losses in a row), I stop trading that day. I stop trading if I lose 3% in one week. Lastly, I use 5% as my monthly losses cutoff. Keep in mind that I have a more aggressive risk tolerance.
The Importance of Setting Realistic Profit Targets
In my opinion, money management skills are the most important aspect of achieving long-term profitability. I never made any consistent profits in the Forex market until I learned how to manage my risk.
Setting realistic profit targets is an important part of good money management, and setting the maximum amount you are willing to lose per day, week, and month is equally as important.
Another aspect of good money management is risking a small percentage (.5 – 1% or less) of your total account balance per trade. Depending on your trading style, you should also only take trades with the potential of making twice what you are risking or more. That ratio is known as the risk – reward ratio.
Example: Let’s say your account balance is $2,000. You place a trade risking 1% of your account or $20. The trade goes your way and hits your profit target, resulting in a closed trade and a $40 win. Since you risked $20 and profited $40, this trade would have achieved a 1:2 risk to reward ratio.
If your average winning trade achieves at least a 1:2 risk/reward ratio, you can be profitable with a 50% win rate. With a 1:1 ratio, you would break even if you won half of all the trades you took. It’s easy to see that the risk/reward ratio is an important part of good money management.
In trading, you are almost guaranteed to experience runs of consecutive losses from time to time. Risking a small amount per trade, and setting a maximum acceptable loss percentage can ultimately limit the harmful effects of drawdown periods – helping you preserve your capital.
To new traders, these concepts may seem foreign, but they are absolutely essential to long-term profitability. By using proper money management, including realistic daily, weekly and monthly profit targets and cutoffs, you are ultimately reducing your risk.
Loved the article and the comments even more! I’ve been looking to start trading 10k and was planning on 1-2%gain/.5-1% loss targets. At least now I know I’m not crazy, or not the only one 🙂
This entire thread is a treasure of info! Thanks for putting it together!
Hello higyn,
Thanks for the kind words! It sounds like you have the right idea about reward to risk and risk management. Hopefully, you’ve done your backtesting and demo trading, and have found a profitable trading system that you’re confident in and that works for your trading schedule. If so, it sounds like you’re off to a great start.
I have recently made 1000% in 3 weeks. Lots of small trades within a fairly specific range bound currency pair. Often trading 20 times per day. I have spent 4 years watching the market. Lost a huge amount of money from being poorly disciplined. My goal now is to try and average 2-3% per day. If it’s not going my way I walk away.
I always watch the market, never set and forget. I use RSI and volumes to judge when to enter and exit. The best times to trade is when it’s relatively quiet. Be aware of Yuan fixing every day between 0100-0130 gmt!
Wow! Sounds too good to be true. I hope you can keep that kind of performance up. Do you mind sharing more details? What specific pair are you trading? What are your entry, exit, and take profit rules?
Yes that’s what worries me. I trade only the AUDUSD. I live in Australia so I understand more of what’s happening in my neck of the woods and it fits with my time zone. I watch the bond rate differential closely compared with the DXY. I also read the daily economic reports from our banks. They are a wealth of information. Specific times of the day also are more volatile. Learn to know when various markets open and how they’re influenced and relate to the broader view. Trying to understand how different countries own bond rates are influenced by carry trades is also always in the back of my mind. Commodity prices influence the AUD significantly so it’s been quite resilient of late. No more big trades on macro economic changes. The market is reactionary not proactive in its pricing. I’ve been correct many times on the overall trend but way wrong in the timing therefore wrong and been burnt. My new trading regime will see me through. Small bites is the key. Don’t be greedy and quit when it’s going against you. I’ve done both incorrectly many times and been margin called and lost all my capital. Learn how to read candles and get a feel for what’s happening and be very careful of news feeds. They aren’t always accurate and often late.
I’ll update prior to Christmas. My trades are all recorded by my broker for all to see when the time comes. My plan is 365 trading days and see where I’m at. I will let you know.
I don’t have a lot of experience trading fundamentals in the Forex market. I do a bit of that in the stock market, but I’m a technical trader.
I keep my eye out for situations that could create market conditions that I want to avoid. Other than that, I trade divergence, stop runs, patterns, trends, etc.
It sounds to me like you’re not using a stop loss, which is rolling the dice, but do what works for you. I don’t want to discourage you from making money.
Keep in touch and let us know how it’s going for you.
Hi Chris,
How was your Christmas?
I’m now at 1500% return but have decided to reduce my leverage as I’ve had a couple of close calls! I’ll update at the end of January.
Truly unbelievable results, Ross! You should be a millionaire in no time. If you’re tracking your results with something like Myfxbook, you should send us a link.
I had a great Christmas, BTW. Good luck!
Hi Chris,
I had a look at Myfxbook and signed up. Lots of info but I’m not going to allow access to my account to the public to view. Rather stay below the radar at this stage.
I understand that. I don’t show my personal accounts either.
I enjoy your website and this article as I am stuck in the setting trading goal stage. I have years of trading experience, but I get stuck on over trading throughout the day because I simply never set realistic daily/weekly/yearly goals.
Here is my questions for my goals below:
1. I need $150 daily profit to reach my yearly goal, but winning everyday of the year is impossible, losses will come. How do I adjust my daily goal for unexpected trade losses, but still have a chance to meet my yearly goal? Currently my R:R I aim for is 1. I have not backtest the system I use to see if R:R 2 is achievable for my style of trading.
2. Do you recommend back testing for about 300 trades to determine the win ratio of if my trade system can produce consistence daily profit of $150?
Trading Capital Amount:
$10,000 (not including margin)
Risk Per Trade: $150 or 1.5% of Capital Amount
Instrument: NQ
Tick size: $5 per tick, $20 per point
Contract Amount: 2 contracts per trade
Yearly Goals:
250% ROI per year of inital capital of $10K or Earn $25K per year
Monthly Goals:
Weekly Goals:
Daily Goals:
Daily Loss:
-$300 (15 tick stop loss per trade)
Thank you so much for the help
Thanks for the comment, Darrel. In my personal opinion, I don’t think you’re setting realistic goals. It’s not really helpful for traders, even experience ones, to set daily and weekly goals. It’s better just to focus on what your edge can realistically provide on a monthly basis.
The purpose of profit cutoffs, as I talked about in this article, is to keep traders from becoming overly greedy – especially new traders. It’s like saying, “Okay… you’ve made some money. Now count your blessings and quit while you’re ahead.”
Experienced traders, however, simply take what the market gives them. What you can get out of the market each month with a single trading system will naturally vary.
What are you going to do if your system doesn’t provide a qualified setup on any particular day? Setting strict profit goals will only encourage you to overtrade or overleverage.
Start out by seeing what you can actually earn from the market, and be happy if you’re consistently profitable (because most traders aren’t). If you need more, build upon your success by trading your system on other instruments or by adding another system.
I’ve written another article about this that you might want to check out:
As far as backtesting goes, 300 is a good number. Most traders don’t do anything close to that, but it’s a plus if you’re willing to do that amount of work.
I had a reader message me on Facebook recently. He was asking me about one of the trading systems that I recommend on this site and asking me if I thought he could average 2% per month. I thought to myself, “This guy is going to make it!”
In your case, as with most of the other comments on the page, I feel the need to warn you. Making $25K per year from $100K is easy. Doing the same from 10K would make you an anomaly… a freak of nature… a rockstar in the trading world.
If you’re truly capable of sustaining performance like that year after year, you should be answering my questions – not the other way around.
Hi Chris
I have been demo trading in the UK one trade each day on the FTSE 100. One spread trade with a margin value of just of £1000 and (£30 per point. I only trade the opening low just after the market opens at 8am.
Consistently closing at £400 profit (may target)….. though almost always could close at a higher profit.
FTSE 100 over the last three months daily low to high has moved 20/30 points
Your view of this disciplined strategy?
Unfortunately, I have no experience with spread betting or the FTSE 100, Gary. If it’s working for you, go for it. I would suggest easing into it with small amounts of real money at first. See if you can maintain that success before you increase your position size.
hi chris,
which are the legit and advisable forex brokers to trade with for a USA or CANADA resident
I’m not sure about Canada. I haven’t researched it, but Canadian traders are likely to have more options because of the strict regulations in the USA. Compliance is harder to achieve in the USA (and much more expensive), so there are fewer Forex brokers competing for your business at the moment.
Hopefully, that will change in the future. FXCM left a big whole that the free market will eventually fill, but for now, your best choice in the USA is probably or OANDA. I’m trading with OANDA.
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your inputs on money management and trading strategies. After constructing countless systems over the past couple of years, my current system is producing approx. 10% / week. However, its R:R is 1.5:1. Even though it has been profitable consistently for the past 4 months, I know consecutive losses may put my account at risk. Any suggestions?
Hey Tony,
If you’ve done your homework (meaning you know the system is profitable long-term), all you can do is keep your risk reasonable to that you’re account isn’t wiped out during a string of losses. I only risk 1% per trade in the Forex market. I’ve used 2% or more in the past. Most professionals risk 1% – 2%.
Also, keep in mind that everyone, no matter how long they’ve been trading or how large their account is, has a number that scares them. This can change over time. I can still risk 1% without being nervous about my trades – even when I’m experiencing drawdown. If you’re risking an amount (even if it’s less than 1%) that makes you nervous about pulling the trigger on a trade, or pulling the trigger after a string of losses, you’re risking too much.
If you can take the normal emotions out of trading, you’ll enjoy trading more and get the most out of your system. Sometimes that means risking less and earning less. I hope that helps. Good luck!
Makes sense! assuming $2000 account, even if I had 10 consecutive losses with 2% risk, I would lose approx. $400 or 20% of my account….still live to trade another day. Anymore risk would put the account in jeopardy in case of 10 losses in a row. Obviously, I’m more interested in the upside which to your point would be less but I’ll enjoy it more. So, I’ll stick with max. 2% risk with my current system even though I’ve only seen 2 consecutive losses so far. Thanks for putting it in perspective for me.
No problem. You can always work your way up to more risk, but I would wait until you know how your system will handle a variety of market conditions. Even then, I would only consider increasing your risk while the account is still relatively small. Good luck!
Hello Chris,
I have a simple yet wierd question. If I set 10% per month and in 5 years you are some 4-5
hundred thousand dollars. And you decide to withdraw. How will the broker behave? Will they give you the money?? Or what if it goes bankrupt. Is this a serious fear, or not?
Thanks in advance
Hello Alex,
That’s a good question and a valid fear. I’ve heard the same question many times. If you’re using a broker that is regulated in your own country, you should never have a problem withdrawing money. Be sure you know who you’re entrusting your money to.
If you have a large trading account, you could keep 1/2 or 2/3 of it in your bank and only keep 1/2 or 1/3 of it with your broker. You can just leverage up and trade as if all of your trading capital is with your broker. That way, no matter what happens, you’re never fully wiped out. I hope that helps.
Hi Chris,
First of all, thank you for putting so much time and effort and answering everyone’s questions. The trading world is full of people who either give you half truths, or try to scam you, so it’s nice to see that there are people out there who are really trying to help others.
I am in desperate need of some affirmation, because i want to be sure that i am not delusional. if you think my thinking is unrealistic, please let me know. i will try to make it very short, so as to not waste your time.
i started to look into trading in 2011, my path started in the supply/demand areas of study. i did it part time for fun to learn. a year and 2 months ago, i decided i wanted to take time off from work and try to trade full time. i have been trying to develop my strategy since then. i first traded with play money, then started risking .05%. just because i wanted to make sure that actually getting filled in my positions, was part of the equation when it came to accuracy. i THINK, i am getting very close. my goal is to have 8 trades per week, with a 50% accuracy. my trading strategy gives me 3:1 profit. so basically, if everything goes according to plan, i want to get 8% per week. last week, i had 4 winners, and 5 losers. but i need more data. am i delusional? is this doable?
my second question is, if you have a $10 million account, is it possible to post similar gains percentage wise? in your own trading, have you seen that no matter how large your account gets, you still have 120% a year?
thanks again.
Sorry for the late response. We just moved and I just got internet connection again. Thanks for the kind words. I got started in 2011 as well.
Let me list some of the good and bad things, from my perspective, that I see with your plan. You’re risking a responsible amount of money each trade and your reward to risk is great. Depending on your trading strategy, your strike rate sounds relatively realistic as well.
You said you want to get 8 trades per week. In my experience, you should take every trade that meets the requirements of your trading system (on your selected pairs) – even if that means taking more or less than 8 trades per week. Picking and choosing which qualified trades to take is essentially gambling. On the flip side, what happens when you’ve only taken 2 or 3 good trades and the week is nearly over? Do you start forcing trades? That’s equally destructive if not more so.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in my experience, 8% per week is a LOT to hope for. If you’re doing it, please don’t let me stop you. That’s great. However, I don’t personally see that being a sustainable strategy.
Also, you said you’re taking time off of work to try trading. I did the same thing. It’s a mistake in most cases. Trading is hard enough to do without the added pressure of producing a livable income within a set time limit. The added pressure is just one more psychological hurdle to overcome, and it can be a big one.
As for your last question, liquidity in the Forex market shouldn’t be a problem There is a certain point where your broker may start interfering with your orders, canceling orders, or they may simply close your account. It has happened before. However, most traders don’t trade with a large enough account to worry about that. I only personally know of a single trader who trades with more than a million dollars and he doesn’t trade Forex. Most trade with less than $250k (usually much less). Then again, if you already have millions, there are easier and safer ways to invest it. I hope that helps. Good luck!
Hi really interesting read.
I recently started trading my futures account and put $25,000 into it. I have a loss limit of about $500 a day. I have had a few bad days and am down about $2000. I’m really struggling to not think about this when trading. It’s also causing me to try and chase bigger profits and because of this some days I have given back everything I made to the market! How can I deal with this ?
Also having the discipline to stop at your day loss limit can be hard when you feel you see another opportunity. How do you deal with your losses ?
It’s affecting my trading.
Hi John,
First, you didn’t mention if you’re using a proven trading system. That comes first. I’ll assume you are. If you feel like you’re losing too much during periods of drawdown, you need to risk less money per trade.
Real trading profits consist of lots of small wins, losses, and scratch days. If your trading system provides a real edge, you’ll occasionally have winning days or weeks. That’s where your profits come from. Sometimes you’ll have a losing month, but those shouldn’t happen too often if your system is good. Just know that you should expect even a great trading system to fail during certain market conditions. Nothing works all the time.
Lastly, using cutoff limits as described in this article is not the only way to trade. In fact, if you read my previous comments, I don’t personally use cutoffs anymore. If you’re trying to trade as mechanically as possible it’s better to risk a low amount per trade (something that you’re comfortable losing) and keep taking the good, qualified setups as they come along.
If, for instance, your system is to take every qualified setup that occurs across 4 pairs on the 15-minute chart from NY open to noon (given no significant, market moving news is released), then you should do just that. Deviating from that plan could spoil the edge that your system provides.
Some traders still prefer to use profit and loss cutoffs. It helps to fight greed and introduce discipline when you’re new, but in my experience, this method doesn’t work as well with mechanical trading systems.
Hi Chris
Thank you for the reply, the way you explain about not just stopping at your limit but following your system is very interesting as I have done this and turned what would of been loss days if I had stopped at my limit into profit days.
I have found also my system works better when I have more volatility in the market. I trade from the UK so usually 2.30pm on wards I find the best trades. I also trade news which I find can be great.
Do you trade only your own capital or other people’s also? If so how do you decide what there return will be ?
I have found your comments very helpful
Hi John,
I’m glad I could help you. I like to hear that.
So far, I’ve only traded my own capital, so I’m not sure how I would share the returns.
I agree that volatility is key to trading. I usually trade from NY open to noon (ET). I’ve traded the London session as well. When I first started trading, I traded the Asian session because I still had a job. That didn’t work.
I avoid big news events because that’s not part of my trading plan. However, given the volatility that those events can create, I can see how trading news events could be profitable with the right system.
Hi Chris. Your blog is a source of inspiration and a mirror for traders. I have loved and appreciated each bit of honest advice given by you here. I started trading back in 2009 and after a couple of years of modest success, I moved to the stock market because trading spot forex became illegal in my country. For a number of years my stock trading has been nothing glamorous, but I have been making a consistent 2% a month. I now find myself moving to Australia and i’d like to start trading forex again and quite motivated to start a business offering forex signals. My question to you is: Is 2% per month ROI (without the use of leverage) a good offering to my subscribers. Would they even be interested? I can give more returns but im comfortable with fewer trades and consequently very little risk. Please do advice.
Hello, Gautam. Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you’ve found this site useful. I’m glad you’ve found some success in trading. As far as your signal service goes, it may be hard to get amateur traders excited about 2% per month, but experienced traders and those who have tried and failed to earn any consistent gains will see the value in a consistent 2% per month. Most traders don’t make any consistent profits, so there is definitely value in a consistent 2% per month gain. You’ll never know exactly how much value until you give it a shot. Good luck!
Hi Chris,
Thank you for for taking the time to answer all the questions and to put valuable information for traders. So i’m a day trader, trading mostly forex and commodities on the futures market. I started trading with my own funds few month ago and i have questions about money management ;
1- i use the 1% rule for risk on a sigle position but i was wondering if i have 2 contract for exemple, should i keep the 1% risk or should i take 2% ? (because 2 contracts for the same position).
2- Assuming that i want to grow my capital and pay myself, how much should i leave in the account monthly/quarterly ? (i know its not an easy question, but maybe if u have a ideal ratio as an exemple)
3- last one , are your daily/weekly targets, gross or net (after comissions and fees)?
Thank you
Hi Yanis,
1) If you’re talking about taking two separate trades on the same vehicle (where that’s possible), you could do it either way. Just be consistent.
2) Obviously, if you’re profitable, the more of that profit you leave in to let your account grow the better. However, I know some people that take withdrawals for the simple reason that they are more comfortable trading a smaller account. These people generally take more risk, though. If they blow their account, they want to have those withdrawals put back to open another. If you really intend to grow your account, leave it all in. If you’re having to take withdrawals to live on, trading is probably not going to work for you.
3) I’m always talking about net profits and losses.
Good questions. Sorry about the late response. I hope that helps.
Hello Chris, hope all is well! Nice to see you still active here. I have a question if you don’t mind me asking… Would you consider trading on behalf of investors such as myself for a percentage of your monthly profits as this would increase your capital portfolio?
Hello Philip,
Thanks for reading. Friends and family have asked me to manage funds for them as well. I currently don’t have any plans to do anything like that. That may change in the future. For now, I don’t want to change what I’m doing in any way.
Thanks Chris, completely understandable. May I ask, what is your average percentage profit per day?
I don’t keep track of that anymore. There are many days that I don’t trade. Based on my average monthly profit figures, it would be about .25% – .50%. I don’t have a daily goal, though. I just take what the market gives me.
Hi Chris
Really enjoyed reading your responses. I am a sports trader but still the principles apply when buying and selling market prices on the sports exchange. The question I had for you is this.
1. I have a strategy which allows me to trades between 45-60 times per week with a 58% win rate and a reward to risk ration of 1.8:1. However what made me at ease was when instead of trading through drawdowns (with a 58% win rate you can sometimes experience losing streaks of 5-6 in a row. Obviously there can be outliers but 5-6 seems to be the norm) instead if I hit 3 losing trades in my first 3 trades of the day I am done (This is where I am down -£300). If I hit losing streaks but not yet at the -£300 level because there were also wins in there then I continue to trade until either I hit my loss limit for the day or I hit the maximum number of trades I set for each which is 12.
What this has meant is that it gives room for some really big days where I am earning in excess of £1000 because the laws of probability and the law of large numbers simply gives room for the probabilities to play out with a 58% win rate where I earn £180 if I win and lose £100 for losses.
Now like you I used to set winning limits where I said once I hit 3 wins that’s it for the day whether I win 3-0, 3-1, or 3-2….However I realized in the end that this strategy actually reduced my potential upside each month compared to how I am now trading.
I believe what your doing is a great model for new traders where they are so sensitive to losses that your model really gives some level of security and comfort.
However for me because I understand after 7 years of trauma the nature of probability and normal distribution of wins and losses I have more comfort in trading up to 12 times per day knowing that I risk winning first 3 trades only to possibly end up with 4-5 losses after and thus giving back my profit, because I know that I am limiting my downside to £300 but allowing my upside to be as high as over £1200 – £1500 in some cases.
Just like you said the mental toughness required for following a strategy which has win rates below 65% is extreme because of the losing streaks. That’s why its so important for the reward to risk to be at least 1.5:1 or more.
Love your work.
Sorry for the late response, Mel. I hurt my back so I haven’t been able to sit at my work computer for about a week.
I did mention in previous comments that I don’t limit my trading like I discussed in the article anymore. That was something I was doing years ago with a trading system that provides lots of trades.
Now I just take what the market gives me. I stick to a strict trading plan and take or pass on each trade very mechanically. Most importantly, I take each trade that qualifies consistently.
As you mentioned, I do believe the cutoff techniques discussed above are still very applicable to beginners, because lots of their losses are caused by greed. It also makes sense for certain traders using certain trading techniques (like scalping) to employ the cutoff method.
I didn’t actually catch your question, but it sounds like you’ve got a nice system working for you. If you have a question, please rephrase it. I’m on pain medication, FYI. Thanks for reading.
It wasn’t so much a question but an observation but I do have a question Chris and this is it.
For one of my approaches I have found that if I trade up to around 4-5 trades per day aiming to stop after hitting 3 winning trades then I am able to maintain a strike rate of over 75%. Normally I end up 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 in terms of wins to losses and just occasionally will be 0-2 down when I stop for the day.
However I have found that If I trade on and on where the same high probability set up occur then my overall win rate drops down to like 60-65%….
Its almost as if when taking just a few trades per day that somehow I manage to hit my winning targets whereas if I keep trading then variance sets in….
I just wanted to know if this is something you have had experience with. I always thought variance was supposed to happen with a lower sample but reduces with a larger sample size. But with me I am seeing the effects of variance the more I trade.
Hi again, Mel
There’s definitely something going on there. Maybe you’re sharper during your first few trades or something. Maybe you have a few hours of luck each and every morning 😉 If so pick your lottery numbers during that time.
On a serious note, it could just be that your trading system is working better during certain times of the day. Are you keeping track of that with a good trading journal?
That being said, 60-65% strike rate and an average reward-to-risk ratio of 1.5:1 is still very good. I’d take a bulk of trades at that rate any day over a few trades at 75%.
Hi Chris,
Really enjoyed reading your comments and views to peoples questions. You mentioned that you could recommend a couple of good strategies. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing with me please? I currently have a good strategy that works for me, but the risk ratio is more than the reward which I know isn’t ideal. So currently looking for a better approach that I understand. Anyway I hope the ask is ok and this message finds you well.
Hi Rowan,
I pulled my back pretty good about a week ago, so I apologize for the late response. I haven’t been working.
I normally refer people to Sterling Suhr at Day Trading Forex Live. I’ve been using his system for over 5 years now and I highly recommend it.
As long as you can trade a handful of hours in either the London or the New York session on the 15-minute chart, you’ll probably like his system a lot.
Hi Chris,
What is Realistic Stop Loss For Daily,Weekly and Monthly ?